Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Counter-Rotating Twin Screws and Barrels for Extruders and Extrusion Lines for PVC Processing

PLASTECH specialized in producing screws and barrels for over 30 years in China. 

We have complete equipment of machines, CNC milling machines, bimetallic barrel furnaces, nitriding furnaces and other heat treatment equipment, etc.

We have supplied to screw and barrel for more than 40 countries.  

PLASTECH is very strong in Bimetallic barrel as well. we could offer bimetallic barrel blanks to our customers as well.

Now we have regular types in stock as following:

Cincinnati: CMT35, CMT45, CMT55,CMT58, CMT68, CMT80, CMT92

                ARGOS 72, ARGOS 93, ARGOS 114, ARGOS 135

BEX65, BEX68, BEX75, BEX90, BEX92, BEX107, BEX130

Krauss Maffei: KMD40, KMD50, KMD60, KMD75, KMD90, KMD110, KMD130

Weber:  DS65, DS88, DS108

We are looking forward to working with you.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Screw and Barrel Measurement

Plastech technicians in the service department, are trained to measure screw and barrels  for injection and extrusion . With specialized tools at their disposal. They offer decision-precise measurement and professional service. 
Each measurement is complemented by a custom report showing the condition of your place by screws and barrels, all to help you better plan your maintenance or future repairs. In addition to the measurement, Plastech offers reconditioning service for worn screws and barrels, allowing stretch of 2 to 3 times the service life of the consumable items.

Replacement Screws & Barrels

If you have a worn screw and barrel, there’s an opportunity to replace it with something that gives you a better melt, faster recovery time or screw geometry that suits the specific materials you are processing.
We offer many types of screws including general purpose screws, screws with dedicated profile, barrels (including Bimetallic Barrel, Nitrided Barrel, and more) and screw tips, including mixing screw tips, ball screw tips, and more.

PLASTECH serves the plastic injection molding, extrusion, rubber, blow molding and sheet industries with high quality machined components, purging compounds and cleaning equipment. Our company provides world class engineering, training and problem solving services to the plastics industry.
New Injection and Extrusion Feed Screws Designed Specifically for Your Application
Rebuilding of worn Feed Screws, Including Tool Steel
Injection and Extrusion Barrels, New and Rebuilt
End Caps – Shut Off Valves – Tip Assemblies
Volume Reduction Screws
Up-Sizing and Down-Sizing of Injection Units
Thermoset to Thermoplastic Conversions
Nozzle Extensions & Nozzle Tips
Tie Bars, New and Repaired
Complete Rebuilding Services
Specialty Engineered and Machined Parts
High Quality Purging Compounds
Screw and Component Cleaning Equipment
Plastic Blast Media
Free Wear and Profile Evaluations
Free Training Seminars at Our Manufacturing Facility
Insulation Blankets & Mica Board

Monday, January 16, 2017

Wykonujemy i dostarczamy nowe ślimaki i cylindry do wtryskarek i wytłaczarek :
ślimaki azotowane, wzmocnione, chromowane;cylindry azotowane i bimetaliczneInjection Screw

Injection Barrel with Encap and Nozzle:
Screw Tips, Screw Head:
Check Rings:
Rear Seat, Seat Rings:
Barrel End Caps, Barrel Head, Barrel End Cap Adapters
Injection Nozzles, Nozzle Adapters and Nozzle Tips:
www.plastechltd.com   Alan Wang       plastechalan@gmail.com

Screws and Barrels for Plastics Injection Molding and Extrusion, Шнек для экструдера, ШНЕКИ И ЦИЛИНДРЫ (ШНЕКОВЫЕ ПАРЫ), etc.

Screws and Barrels
Our company is built on the principles of delivering quality products and providing reliable service. 

Our unique service has established our place in this industry. This allows us to make a distinctive and substantial impact for our clients.

Our designs have been used by numerous machines in North and South America, and Europe.  To name a few; for:

-Blow Film: Brampton Engineering, Macro Engineering, & AR Engineering; 

-Blow Moulding: Jomar, Bekum, Fisher, Noma Chemical, & Automa; 

-Injection: Chen Hsong, Engel, Haitian, Husky, HPM, & Kawaguchi;

-Compounding/Pelletizing:  PTI, Berlin, Colortech, & Aclo;

-Extrusion: Polytruder, Delta Plast, Future Design, & Sterling.

  • Шнеки и шнековые пары для одношнековых экструдеров
  • Шнек и цилиндр для двушнековых экструдеров
  • Шнек и шнековая пара для литьевых и инжекционных машин
  • Конические шнеки к одношнековым и двушнековым экструдерам
  • Двойные параллельные и конические шнековые пары
  • Биметаллические шнеки
  • Шнеки и шнековые пары со специальным покрытием
  • Современные конструкции высокопроизводительных шнеков цилиндров и барьерных шнеков
  • "Бронированные" шнеки ( шнек упрочненный с наплавкой )
  • Специальные шнеки и цилиндры с зоной дегазации
  • Шнеки с переменным шагом и диаметром

  • Составные шнеки и цилиндры

  • Все шнеки и цилиндры изготавливаются из высокотвердой легированной стали марки 38CrMoALA (аналог 38Х2МЮА) и других высокачественных легированных сталей. Соблюдаются все технологические параметры обработки, применяется азотирование для упрочнения поверхностного слоя изделия до 1000 HV на глубине до 0,6 мм, а также твердое хромирование, полировка. Для повышения срока службы шнеков экструдеров и термопластавтоматов при работе с стеклонаполненном, тальконаполненном, мелонаполненном материалом упрочненные (бронированные) шнеки с плазменной наплавкой. Срок службы упрочненного шнека увеличивается в 1,5-2 раза по сравнению со стандартным азотированным.

    Также предлагаем изготовление биметаллических цилидров для использования при перераработке материалов с абразивными свойствами. Основа - высококачественная легированная сталь 38CrMoAlA или более простой вариант - конструкционная углеродистая сталь 45 (в зависимости от назначения и требований). Внутренний бронированный слой - защитное износостойкое покрытие толщиной в 2-3 мм из порошкового сплава с высокой стойкостью к эрозии (Fe-Cr-Ni-B+Carbide). Покрытие наносится методом газо-порошковой наплавки.

    Каждый шнек разрабатывается индивидуально, с учетом требований заказчика, перерабатываемого материала, условий эксплуатации. Изготовление шнеков производиться согласно чертежей (эскизов) заказчика. При разработке изделий производятся все необходимые расчеты для обеспечения надежности, долговечности и износостойкости. Cиcтема контроля качества сертифицирована по стандарту ISO 9001.

    Исполнение в сжатые сроки по разумным ценам.

    www.plastechltd.com   Alan Wang   plastechalan@gmail.com

    Saturday, January 14, 2017

    High Performance, Wear Resistant, & Cost Effective Screws and Barrels !
    At Plastech Ltd, we are in the business of manufacturing and rebuilding screws and barrels for extrusion and injection molding machines used by the plastic and rubber industries.

    We have been rebuilding and supplying quality feedscrews and barrels for extrusion and injection molding machines since 1986. With this focus and experience to the industry we have continued to evolve and today provide a combination of extensive repair services, wear solutions, standard product replacement and engineered products!
    We maintain the characteristics and qualities of the past that have made Plastech a successful business by focusing on your success! We work hard to save you money! We have combined the traditional values of care and craftsmanship with the speed of new technology to offer our clients that extra competitive edge, both in manufacturing cost and in the quality of our products. This means delivery of work, when needed, with the utmost assurance of precision and quality at a price you can afford.
    Throughout the manufacturing or rebuilding process at Plastech, every job receives the meticulous attention to detail necessary to assure the consistent quality you need. We have the capability to handle all your requirements and offer a fast, dependable service to increase your productivity.
    Our Products
        Plastech offers design and manufacturing of replacement parts for any equipment brand. We have a unique ability to not only replicate dimensional requirements but also provide components in a variety of metals and design configurations. Manufacturing capabilities include precision CNC machining, turning, grinding and milling. We offer:
    Injection Screws–With nearly 30 years of experience, we know general purpose profile and substrate screws rarely meet the demands of ever changing technology. Using general purpose screws in state-of-the-art machinery is like putting cheap tires on a fine race car.
    Extrusion Screws –We show you how to optimize processes, avoid costly repairs and extend the life of your extrusion screws.
    Custom Screws – We identify opportunities for enhanced performance. We have solutions to assist you with processing difficult extrusion or injection materials.
    Injection and Extrusion Barrels – Quality can be guaranteed for high performance bimetallic barrels.
    Screw Tip Valves and Barrel Endcaps – Tianze Machinery offers a complete selection of valves and end caps manufactured from a variety of steels and alloys that work most efficiently for chosen processes.
    General Machining – We have been at the forefront in the production of plastic injection and extrusion screws for about 30 years. Part of our one-stop approach is to offer complete machining services to keep your equipment running at optimum performance.
     email: plastechalan@gmail.com    see more on: www.screwandbarrel.com